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New Amazing Microelectronic Whitepaper on Transient Voltage Suppressor: The Best ESD Protection Solu

NORTHVALE, New Jersey – New Yorker Electronics has announced the release of a new whitepaper publication, Transient Voltage Suppressor: The Best Protection Solutions for Advanced Applications, from Amazing Microelectronic Corp. The manual allows customers to determine the correct TVS for an application, eliminating the guesswork associated with interferences. It is considered by AMC to be the complete ESD protection solution whitepaper for high-speed data transmission.

Hardware designers conduct rigorous ESD tests ahead of a product’s market launch to check its robustness. However today, integrated circuits (ICs) are more sensitive to the interference due to advanced manufacturing processes. For example, external clamping components are now required. The AMC ESD Protection report discusses the difference between a TVS and varistor; how to select the right TVS; and common applications of ESD solutions. It also has a detailed selection guide for ESD protection solutions and the state-of-the-art solutions that Amazing recommends for USB4, HDMI2.1 and 10G LAN, as well as solutions for automotive applications.

The scaling trend of the semiconductor industry leads to a reduction in IC component-level ESD robustness. The phenomenon that system-level protection device change varistors to TVS shows that external protection is becoming more and more important. Amazing Microelectronic is one of the top companies which specialized in ESD protection solutions. With the knowledge, experience and always following the hi-tech trends, Amazing will always provide the best products to the latest applications.

Amazing Microelectronic has been doing the research on ESD or EOS for more than 20 years, following the latest application trends and developing products that meet customer requirements. As a franchise distributor for Amazing Microelectronic, New Yorker Electronics supplies the full line of Amazing’s ESD products, EMI Filters, Interface ICs and Switches.

New Sumida SMD Power Inductors are constructed from Low-Loss Ferrite Core

NORTHVALE, New Jersey, USA – New Yorker Electronics has announced the availability of the new Sumida CDB38D38 line of high-efficiency power inductors from Sumida Group. Like other types in the CDB series, this new surface mount inductor is magnetically shielded with low DCR tolerance and high efficiency. The CDB Inductor Series is designed for low ferrite core loss.

The new CDB38D38NP-R065MC has an inductance of 0.065% ±20% and a saturation current of 24.5A max, while the CDB38D38NP-R10PC has an inductance of 0.1 ±25% and a saturation current of 14.5A max. Both versions have a typical DCR of 0.32mOhm at 20°.

Features & Benefits:

Ferrite core construction
Magnetically shielded
0 x 4.0 x 4.0mm
Operating Temperature -40°C and +125°C
Product weight: 0.25g
Moisture Sensitivity Level: 1

Multi-phase and Vcore regulators
Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs)
Application specific integrated circuits (ASIC)
Battery Power Systems
The new Sumida Power Inductor series will commonly be used in Multi-phase and Vcore Regulators, and server and desktop Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs), CPUs and GPUs. Other usages will include application specific integrated circuits (ASIC), high power density and data networking density, graphics cards, and battery power systems.

Sumida Group manufactures inductive components and modules for consumer electronics, automotive and industrial markets. New Yorker Electronics distributes Sumida Power Inductors & RF Inductors, Power Transformers, Signal Magnetics, EMC Coils, Sensors and Actuators, Automotive modules, Magnetic materials, Ceramics, EMS and Flexible Connections and components for medical equipment.

What are Smart Classrooms, and is this the way for the future of education?

Educational institutions all over the world are investing in new technologies that will change education as we know it. These technological investments include smart classrooms, which combine state-of-the-art technology with traditional learning methods.

What is a smart classroom? A smart classroom integrates interactive and engaging digital content into everyday teaching and learning activities to support students’ cognitive development and foster creativity, critical thinking, problem solving skills and 21st century skills. Though there has been some concern about whether or not these types of classrooms actually work for children’s development, research has shown mixed results; either showing no significant statistical difference between those who take classes in such a setting versus those who do not; or proving that such an environment does indeed have benefits for student achievement, engagement, motivation and creativity. Smart Classroom solutions in Sri Lanka are also available now through reputed vendors, and are gradually being implemented through various organisations.

Classrooms that are described as “smart” usually have technology integrated into the learning environment in some way. This can include using interactive whiteboards or projectors to display content on a screen for the entire class to see, providing laptops or tablets for each student to use, or having computers and other devices hooked up to internet-enabled screens around the room. Smart classrooms may also have microphones and cameras installed so that teachers can call on students remotely and monitor their work from anywhere in the room. Additionally, many smart classrooms make use of various software programs that allow for different types of interactivities between students and teachers or among students themselves.

The advantages of having a smart classroom includes:

The ability for the teacher to call on any student in the room without having to leave their desk.
The ability for students to work collaboratively on projects from anywhere in the room.
The ability for teachers to track individual student progress and provide help or support as needed.

The disadvantages of having a smart classroom include:

Teachers may feel overwhelmed by all of the technology at their disposal and not be sure how to use it effectively.
Students who are not comfortable with computers or who do not have access to devices outside of school may fall behind their peers in terms of technological skills.
There is potential for cyberbullying if proper precautions are not taken.

Why are Smart Classrooms being used in schools now?

This type of technology is being used in may institutes of higher learning these days, because it provides more opportunities for experiential learning and allows students to fully explore what interests them inside and outside of the classroom.

Smart Classroom solutions in Sri Lanka and elsewhere around the world, provide students with the opportunity to carry out their educational activities and needs from the home environment itself, with distance learning and a variety of multimedia resources and tools. The use of Smart Boards, tablets, projectors and laptops can make the educational process more interesting for students, motivating them to learn better.

How can they help students learn better?

The big question however, is whether this new technology can actually help students to learn better, or whether it will have a negative impact on their education because of the distractions that are commonly associated with new technologies. According to a study conducted by The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, smart classrooms do help students learn better. The study found that students who were taught using digital resources achieved higher test scores than those who were not. In particular, the use of laptops helped students achieve better results in mathematics, science and social studies tests. This was because these devices provided teachers with an opportunity to provide more individualized instruction to their students, which is something that is not possible in a traditional classroom setting.

Another study conducted by The National Centre for Education Statistics in the USA, also found that there was a positive relationship between the use of technology and student achievement. However, this study also found that the type of technology used in the classroom was important. For example, the use of computers had a more positive impact on student achievement than the use of cell phones or tablets.

Despite these findings, there are still some disadvantages to using technology in the classroom. One disadvantage is that students can become distracted by their devices and may not be paying attention to the teacher. In addition, teachers may need to spend more time preparing lessons that include technology and may not have enough time to cover all of the material they would like to teach.

How do teachers feel about them?

Let us look at the other side of smart classrooms, which is the teacher’s perspective. A majority of teachers feel that smart classrooms have a positive impact on student achievement. They find that students are more engaged in the classroom, they can assess what students know better, and they can provide individualized instruction to meet each student’s needs.

What is the cost to implement them into a school or classroom?

While smart classrooms may be a reality in developed countries, the cost is still far too high for smaller countries to implement these classrooms on a wide scale. The price for one smart classroom usually runs at a very high cost. That is a lot of money to spend on one classroom, and it is hard to justify the cost when so many schools in the world are still without basic needs like textbooks and desks.

While not all schools or educational centres can afford the cost of implementing a smart classroom into their facility, it is clear that they will become more popular in coming years as technology moves forward. There are many advantages to having these digital learning tools available but there are also some disadvantages too which should be considered before making any decisions on whether or not you want one installed at your school.

What is an Enterprise Solution?

Enterprise solutions are often seen as the best way to solve difficult problems for large organisations. Getting an enterprise solution is not always easy, but it provides many benefits that make it worth it in the long run.

An Enterprise Solution is a software package that includes all the features an organization needs

According to the best infrastructure solution providers in Sri Lanka, an enterprise solution offers organisations a single, comprehensive software package that includes all the features they need. This can save time and money, as organisations don’t have to purchase multiple software packages or customize individual ones to meet their specific needs.

In addition, they also offer such components as cloud computing, backup solutions, data storage solutions, disaster recovery planning, and more, which provide a comprehensive solution to businesses’ technology needs.

By getting an enterprise solution an organisation can gain many benefits, including:

Improved security.
Scalability and flexibility.
Business continuity planning.
Better user experience.
A comprehensive solution to their technology needs.
Lower costs for software and support with full-service packages.

Although overall costs can be reduced, the initial investment for these enterprise solutions can be quite high, depending on the organisation’s specific needs and the size of the deployment, especially if virtualization service providers and network solution providers will also need to be outsourced in order to complete the work. However, in most cases, this cost is outweighed by the benefits an organisation receives from having a well-integrated, properly functioning enterprise solution.

When looking for an enterprise solution, it is important to find a provider that has a strong track record and offers comprehensive services. The best providers will have extensive experience with large organisations and will be able to provide tailored solutions that meet each business’ specific needs. Additionally, the provider should offer excellent customer service and support so that any problems that may arise can be quickly addressed.

It can include modules for inventory, customer relationship management (CRM), human resources, and other areas

Enterprise solutions provide an integrated solution for an organisation’s entire business needs. For example, the solution may include modules for inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM), human resources information systems (HRIS), and various other areas that are important to a company’s success. By integrating their processes through such a system, a company can become more efficient and save time. This is especially important for large organisations that have multiple departments with different ways of working.

As an organisation grows in size, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage all areas of business without some kind of enterprise solution. An enterprise solution provides integrated management across modules relevant to your company’s needs while also allowing you to adapt over time as changes occur within your organisation. With this type of system in place, processes are streamlined which means efficiency increases while costs are brought down.

The goal of an Enterprise Solution is to help businesses increase efficiency by centralizing their data in one place

The main goal of enterprise solutions is to help businesses increase efficiency. This is done by centralizing data in one place so that it can be easily managed and accessed. When all business-related processes are housed in one system, it becomes much easier to keep track of everything and make changes when needed. Additionally, this type of solution often comes with reporting tools which give companies a clear overview of their performance at any given time.

In recent times, cloud solutions have taken over as the most popular type of enterprise solution. In a cloud environment, all data is stored on remote servers and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. There are many benefits to using this type of system, including:

Faster deployment time compared to traditional solutions.
Lower upfront costs for implementation due to less infrastructure needed and no need to purchase software licenses or install programs.
Reduced maintenance, since updates happen automatically without any user input required.
A single point of support instead of having multiple vendors involved in installation and upkeep.

Companies such as Microsoft offer a variety of options to suit different budgets, from free versions with limited functionality up to enterprise solutions that cost thousands per year, so that companies can get a solution that best suits their needs and budget.

An enterprise solution offers a comprehensive package that includes all the features large scale organisations need to succeed in today’s business world. It can save time and money while offering such components as cloud computing, backup solutions, data storage solutions, disaster recovery planning etc., providing a complete technology suite for businesses. By getting an enterprise solution, organizations will gain many benefits including improved security & flexibility to name but a few of them.